I had Jago microchipped few months ago and I believe that it's very important!
It's not an expensive procedure and not painful for the dog.
Unfortunately many dogs are microchipped but not registered to the actual owner.
Just beware that many vet will not register the dog to your name, so you must do it usually online.
And also remember to change online your contact details if you move or you change phone number.
Unfortunately the same thing happens with the breeder.
Often when I read of lost dogs, they are microchipped but registered only to the breeder, and often it's not possible to find the owner.
There are a lot of events to help get many dogs as possible microchipped.
I know at least two of them, Dublin DSPCA
"Dogs Trust are offering free microchipping for all dogs for the months of August and September. "
Some info from Dog Trust website:
1. What is a microchip?
A microchip is a small electronic device, which is the size of a grain of rice. The microchip is coded with a unique number that can be read by a scanner. A microchip works through radio wave frequency.
2. How is the microchip implanted?
Using a specially designed implanting device the microchip is injected through a sterile needle under the dog's skin.
3. Where is the microchip implanted?
In dogs, the microchip is implanted under the skin, between the shoulder blades.
4. Does it hurt?
No anaesthetic is required and the procedure should cause no more discomfort than a standard vaccination.
more info:
Here is 5 top reasons why you should Microchip your pet:
1. Microchip identification is the most permanent way to identify your pet.
2. Collars and pet tags are great but they can fall off or be removed.
3. Microchipping is a safe, practical & excellent way to identify your pet.
4. Your pets microchip is a unique 15 digit number that once registered online is linked to your details.
5. Microchipping is a sure way to reunite you and your pet.
So remember, microchipping your dog will be compulsory, but even without a law we must know that is very important!
Unfortunately it happen quite often that a dog get lost.
A lot of times the tag could be lost as well, or the collar, so it would be very difficult to trace back the owner!
If you love your dog, please consider microchipping!
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