A dog's paw

Monday, September 9, 2013

is it possible to train two dogs together?

***Please note that I am NOT a dog trainer, so I am just sharing my experience with my own dogs.. 
I may be doing wrong things and I am open to suggestions :) ***

Well I am trying, just for fun :D
I've read that is not possible because they are too distracted or for other reasons.
I am not really trying to train them, but yesterday when they started to be bored / too much tennisball obsessed I started with Sit - Down command and it works really good!

Now, Buddy doesn't give paw and I saw he doesn't like to be touched on the paws.

I will progress with some "stay" maybe in the following days and then let's see :D
It's just because I don't want to stop Jago training and these first days I don't want to exclude Buddy from our activities.

Aren't they cute???


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Puppy classes - video :)

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I found this "old" video today of Jago puppy classes last January.
They were all less than 5 months old and this was the play and recall training


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fostering experience - Buddy - day 2

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The fostering experience is continuing and still great!
Yesterday evening Buddy was tired after playing for hours with a 4 years old girl!
He is so gentle!

Today we went to Bark in the Park, a walk in aid for the Irish Blue Cross.
Buddy had the chance to meet many other dogs, big and small, crazy and quiet, and he never had any problem! He didn't mind the confusion, all the people there, the kids approaching and he enjoyed the walk!
The only thing that still scares him are the cars.
He is very stressed when he hears a car, he tend to stop and lay down.
But we are working on that, and being together with other dogs is helping.

At home he is much more quiet than my hyperactive Jago, but he loves his walks and playing with the tennis ball!
He is really affectionate and loves cuddles a lot!

Here a photo of the two doggies tired after Bark in the Park!

20:00 Update!!
My main concern was Separation Anxiety.
Both friday morning and saturday evening when I left even for a while the flatmates told me that Buddy was crying a lot!!!
Today I left the two guys together and alone for a couple of hours and video recorded with my PC
No crying, no barking, no fighting, everything perfect!!
Ok that they were tired from the walk, but I am super happy!!!
Well done Buddy & Jago!


Friday, September 6, 2013

Fostering experience - Buddy - day 1!

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Everything is happening quickly these days.
Two days ago I found a dog and in 12 hours I found the owner thanks to the facebook page Lors Lost dogs.

In the afternoon I saw on Dog in Distress webpage that there were few dogs in the pound that would need urgent fostering.
I applied months ago for fostering, but I never had the real chance to take a dog.

So I called and yesterday Buddy came at home with me!
He is an 8 years old border collie, that has been surrendered by the owner because he couldn't take care of him due to an illness.
When I first took him he was scared and stressed and he didn't want to go out from the car.
He is not aggressive at all, and he let me pet him and bring him out.

I took my dog Jago and we went all three for a first walk outside!
Jago and him are not playing a lot at the moment, but they are fine together!

Buddy is a very sweet dog, he ate food and slept quiet last night.
Today I had to go to work, so I brought Jago to daycare as I didn't want to leave them unsupervised for the first day.
Unfortunately my flatmate just called me to let me know that Buddy started crying as soon as I left home.
I will go home in a hour during my lunch time to check him, I have toys and a very nice bone.
Hopefully he will settle down a bit.
With me he was very nice and quiet yesterday, but I can understand that he is stressed and needs to adapt to the new situation.
I will be home all these evenings and weekend and I really hope that next week the company of Jago will help him to not feel alone!

You can see here some photos..
As you can see my rule of "no dogs on my bed" had some problems last night :P


Petition: Wicklow County Council and the ISPCA

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I am sharing this petition found online because I heard that the situation in Wicklow Pound is a bit difficult.

All dogs entering the pound should be photograhed and given the opportunity to be reunited with their owners, rehomed or offered rescue help. Currently only dogs deemed fit for rehoming by the wardens are allowed to be photographed and dogs are regularly withheld from volunteer’s sight at Wicklow Pound. There should be no hidden dogs.
Stray and surrender information is information in the public domain and can help reunite a dog with an owner (specific areas can be targeted via social media and poster campaigns) and in the case of surrenders ensure that a dog appears on our page as an urgent case. This is vital to saving lives and positive outcomes for the dogs.
Confirmation of availability date is also vital to ensuring a dog is effectively promoted and profiled for rehoming.
Currently opening hours are not conducive to reclamation and rehoming and there is no service to leave a message when you telephone as recommended during opening hours.
